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Grandmother and Grandson playing on a beach.

Don’t Let Age Slow You Down!

Surprising Ways Chiropractic Care Can Boost Senior Mobility

As we age, our bodies undergo several changes that can impact our mobility. Senior citizens may experience a decline in strength, flexibility, and balance, making it more challenging to move around and perform daily activities. Here are some of the top mobility issues that seniors face:

Joint Stiffness

Joint stiffness is a common mobility issue that can result from a variety of factors, including arthritis, injuries, and aging. Arthritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation in the joints, leading to pain and stiffness. The stiffness can make it challenging for seniors to move their joints freely, limiting their range of motion.

Muscle Weakness

Muscle weakness is another common problem. It can be caused by a lack of physical activity, which can lead to the loss of muscle mass and strength,  through a process called sarcopenia. As a result, seniors may find it challenging to perform daily activities such as walking up stairs or lifting objects.

Poor Balance

Poor balance is a significant mobility issue that affects many seniors, particularly those over 65. It can be caused by several factors, including inner ear issues, neuropathy, and side effects of medication. Poor balance can make it challenging for seniors to stand or walk without support, leading to a higher risk of falls and injuries.  I check balance on each evaluation, regardless of age, as balance is a brain function we need intact!

Chiropractic Care for Mobility Issues in Seniors

Chiropractic care may be an effective way to improve mobility and reduce the risk of falls in seniors. In our practice, we use a range of natural techniques to alleviate joint stiffness, improve muscle strength, and promote better balance. We also recommend exercises and stretches that can help seniors improve their mobility and prevent falls, helping them make the most out of their golden years.

If you or a loved one are struggling with mobility issues, please schedule an appointment with us. We can evaluate your specific needs and create a custom care plan to help you improve your mobility and prevent falls. Contact us today to learn more about how chiropractic care can help you regain your mobility and maintain your independence.

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